Privacy e cookies policy


Personal data processing

WHEREAS Elena di Cuori is a product service of En srl, pursuant to Article 13 of the European Regulation No. 2016/679 (hereinafter also GDPR), the company EN srl, in its capacity as the owner of the processing of personal data, in the person of its legal representative, with registered office in Via Pergolesi 2-20124 Milan.

Informs you, that the personal data that will be provided may be processed by the latter, either directly or through third parties, not only to execute contractual obligations, but also to comply with the obligations required by law, regulations or EU regulations.

Data processing means any operation or set of operations, performed with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, restriction, erasure or destruction. The data will be processed by means of instruments suitable for guaranteeing their security as well as confidentiality and may also be carried out by means of automated instruments suitable for storing, managing and transmitting the data.

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) pursuant to Art. 37 of the GDPR, can be contacted by writing to PEC [email protected], or to En srl at Via Pergolesi 2-20124 Milan, Italy or by phone at +02 84240 733

Personal data may be known by employees/consultants of En srl who have been specially appointed as Data Processors or Persons in Charge of Processing.

EN srl is the data controller of the data provided and is therefore responsible for any updates or changes to the same, in relation to the changes communicated. In relation to the processing of your data, you may exercise the rights provided for in Article 15 of European Regulation No. 2016/679, and in particular, among other things, you will have the right:

  • to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data concerning him/her, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form;
  •        to obtain the indication:

         ◦ of the origin of personal data;

         ◦         of the categories of personal data processed;

         ◦         the period of retention of personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine this period;

         ◦         of the purposes and methods of processing;

         ◦         of the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic tools;

         ◦         of the identification details of the owner, data controllers and the data protection officer designated in accordance with Article 37;

         ◦         of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of them in their capacity as designated representative in the territory of the State, as managers or appointees;

         ◦         where personal data are transferred to a third country or international organization, the right to be informed of the existence of adequate safeguards under Article 46 relating to the transfer.

  • to obtain:

         ◦        updating, rectification or, when interested, supplementation of data;

         ◦         the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;

         ◦         the restriction of the processing of personal data concerning him or her or to object to their processing

  • to object in whole or in part:

         ◦         for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, even if for the purpose of collection;

         ◦         to the processing of personal data concerning him/her for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

  • to file a complaint with a competent authority

The deletion or modification of data will take place according to the technical timelines provided for each of the services listed above. You may exercise the rights described above, by request sent by registered letter to the following address: EN Srl at - via pergolesi 2, 2014 Milan; or through PEC at [email protected] .

Type of data processed and purpose of processing

Navigation data

the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes, by way of example, the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment.

This data is used by EN srl for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information about the use of the site and to check that it is working properly.

These data are kept for the period strictly necessary and in any case in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Cookies policy privacy

Cookies are text files, containing small amounts of information, that are stored on the user's computer or mobile device when visiting a website, or other similar technologies. On each subsequent visit, cookies are sent back to the website that originated them (first-party cookies), or to another website (third-party cookies) and recognized by that website. Cookies are useful precisely because they allow a website to recognize a user's device. Cookies cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive, nor can they transmit computer viruses or acquire e-mail addresses.

Why we use cookies

Cookies allow the Elena di Cuori website to “remember” users for the duration of the visit (session cookies) or for multiple visits (permanent cookies). Cookies can serve many different functions. Some are essential and allow you to navigate effectively, set and store preferences, and more generally to improve and optimize your navigation on a website.

How we use cookies

In order to provide you with the services you have requested, we use cookies as you navigate within the Elena di cuori website.

Most cookies are session cookies, meaning they are used to make the site work properly and are automatically deleted when you close the browser; other types of cookies are, however, saved on the computer's hard drive and can only be read by the server that previously stored them.

Cookies make it more efficient and easier to use the Internet: for example, they allow you to type in your password less frequently during a single session of page surfing, provided you have explicitly requested this functionality.

The cookies used on the Websites and therefore also on the site are therefore aimed at storing specific technical information regarding the users accessing the servers: many operations on the Websites could not in fact be carried out without the use of cookies, which are therefore technically necessary in such cases. For example, accessing your personal page and restricted areas of the Website and all the activities that you can perform on the Website would be much more complex and less secure without the presence of cookies, which allow them to identify you and maintain your identification during the session.

In any case, the use of cookies by EN srl takes place in full compliance with the provisions of current legislation on the subject, which allows the use of these technologies for certain legitimate purposes, such as technical storage for the time strictly necessary to transmit a communication or to provide a specific service requested by the User, who can always object to the processing of his data in the manner listed in the paragraph below.

Cookie management and deactivation information

You will always have the possibility to accept all cookies, to be informed about their use or to proceed to their deactivation by autonomously modifying the settings of the navigation program you use (also called “browser”). Please note that if you decide to disable or remove cookies from your browser, this action may make some parts of the site inaccessible and navigation less functional.

You will always have the possibility to accept all cookies, to be informed about their use or to proceed to their deactivation by autonomously modifying the settings of the navigation program you use (also called “browser”). Please note that if you decide to disable or remove cookies from your browser, this action may make some parts of the site inaccessible and navigation less functional.

  • Internet Explorer 8.0+:

         ◦ Click “Tools” on the menu bar and select “Internet Options”

         ◦ Click the “Privacy” tab at the top

         ◦ Drag the slider to “Block all cookies”

  • Firefox 4.0+:

         ◦ Click “Tools” in the menu bar.

         ◦ Select “Options”

         ◦ Click the “Privacy” tab.

         ◦ Check the box “Enable anti-tracking option for personal data.”

  • Chrome:

         ◦ Click the “chrome menu” in the browser toolbar.

         ◦ Select “Settings”

         ◦ Click “Show advanced settings.”

         ◦ In the Privacy section, click the “Content Settings” button.

         ◦ In the “Cookies” section, select “Block third-party cookies and data from sites” and “Prevent sites from setting data”

  • Safari 5.0+:

         ◦ Click the Safari menu and select “Preferences”

         ◦ Click the “Privacy” tab.

         ◦ In the “Block cookies” section specify whether to accept cookies always, never, or only from sponsors and third parties. For an explanation of the different options click on the Help button in the shape of a question mark. If Safari is set to block cookies, you may need to accept them temporarily for the page to open. Then repeat the steps above and select “Always.” When you have finished using Help, disable cookies again and delete them.

For the deactivation of analytical and profiling cookies, we refer you to the dedicated functionality below.

Types of Cookies

Technical Cookies

“Technical” cookies are divided into browsing cookies and session cookies.

Questi sono strettamente necessari a garantire la normale navigazione e l’uso del sito Tali cookies possono essere diversificati in base alla loro persistenza sul terminale dell’utente. Infatti, mentre i cookies di sessione si cancellano automaticamente alla fine di ogni navigazione, i cookies di navigazione hanno una vita più lunga.

Utilizziamo i cookies di navigazione o di sessione per: la gestione in forma anonima della consultazione del sito consentire l’autenticazione per l’accesso ad aree riservate del sito ; la gestione delle preferenze personali da te impostate per l’uso dei cookies. Tali Cookies sono necessari per navigare all’interno dei siti stessi poichè consentono funzioni essenziali quali autenticazione, validazione, gestione di una sessione di navigazione e consentono ad esempio di identificare se l’utente ha avuto regolarmente accesso all’Area Riservata oppure la validazione dell’utente e la gestione delle sessioni di navigazione e la prevenzione delle frodi. Alcuni sono impiantati nel terminale dell’utente/contraente (non saranno utilizzati per scopi ulteriori), come ad esempio cookies di sessione utilizzati per riempire il carrello negli acquisti on line di servizi sul Portale, cookies di personalizzazione ad es. per la scelta della lingua di navigazione, richiamo ID e Password.

I cookies tecnici sono essenziali e possono essere utilizzati anche in assenza del consenso dell’interessato. Essi sono ad esempio:

– cookies con dati compilati dall’utente (identificativo di sessione), della durata di una sessione o cookies persistenti limitatamente ad alcune ore in taluni casi;

– cookies per l’autenticazione, utilizzati ai fini dei servizi autenticati, della durata di una sessione;

– cookies di sicurezza incentrati sugli utenti, utilizzati per individuare abusi di autenticazione, per una durata persistente limitata;

– cookies di sessione per lettori multimediali, come i cookies per lettori “flash”, della durata di una sessione;

– cookies di sessione per il bilanciamento del carico, della durata di una sessione;

– cookies persistenti per la personalizzazione dell’interfaccia utente, della durata di una sessione (o poco più);

Cookies analitici o analytics :

I cd. Cookies analytics vengono utilizzati per analizzare statisticamente gli accessi/le visite al sito, e perseguono esclusivamente scopi statistici e non anche di profilazione o di marketing. Essi raccolgono informazioni in forma aggregata, senza la possibilità di risalire alla identificazione del singolo utente. Per tale tipologia di cookies, Elena di cuori ti informa che hai sempre la possibilità di disattivare questi cookies (cd. opt out) secondo le seguenti istruzioni: Apri il tuo browser, seleziona il Menu Impostazioni, clicca su “Opzioni Internet”, apri la scheda relativa alla privacy e scegli il livello di blocco cookies che desideri.Se vuoi procedere ad eliminare i cookies già salvati in memoria è sufficiente aprire la Scheda Sicurezza ed eliminare la cronologia spuntando la casella “elimina cookies”.

EN srl  ci tiene a comunicarti che potrai sempre scegliere di accettare o rifiutare i cookies per finalità di profilazione attraverso la Web Privacy Policy e Cookies. Se scegli di rifiutare i cookies per finalità di profilazione, potrai comunque continuare ad usufruire del sito perchè non saranno bloccati i cookies tecnici sopra riportati. L’opzione da te selezionata sarà memorizzata per un anno e sarai comunque sempre in grado di modificare la tua preferenza relativa ai cookies con finalità di profilazione attraverso questa pagina di informativa estesa (vedi box sopra).

Sicurezza delle informazioni

Tutte le informazioni raccolte sul sito vengono memorizzate e mantenute in strutture sicure che limitano l’accesso esclusivamente al personale autorizzato. Il sito Web è controllato regolarmente per verificare l’eventuale presenza di violazioni della sicurezza, ed assicurare che tutte le informazioni raccolte siano al sicuro da chi intende visualizzarle senza autorizzazione.

EN Srl a Socio Unico si attiene a tutte le misure di sicurezza descritte dalle leggi e dalle normative applicabili, e a tutte le misure adeguate secondo i criteri attualmente più all’avanguardia, per assicurare e garantire la riservatezza dei dati personali degli utenti, e ridurre al minimo, per quanto possibile, i pericoli costituiti dall’accesso non autorizzato, dalla rimozione, perdita o dal danneggiamento dei dati personali degli utenti.


EN Srl  si riserva il diritto di modificare o emendare, in qualsiasi momento, la presente Web Privacy Policy e Cookies ovunque pubblicata sul sito soprattutto in virtù dell’entrata in vigore di nuove normative di settore. Tutti gli utenti potranno verificare in qualsiasi momento collegandosi al sito l’ultima versione della Web Privacy Policy e Cookies come di volta in volta aggiornata.